Tag: Selectel

Control Panel Updates

We updated our control panel my.selectel.ru in early September. Many of our users tried the beta-version and provided excellent feedback, which we have given a lot of consideration. We recently introduced new functions, making the panel even easier to use and ergonomic. We also added links to our knowledge base. Let’s take a look at some of these changes. Read more

1 Gbps Connections for Dedicated Servers

Every online service needs at least two things: the first is a working server that handles site requests; the second is an Internet connection that connects clients to the server. Here, bandwidth is a pivotal factor: the higher the reserve, the more stable the site. 1 Gbps, for example, is enough to handle sudden spikes in traffic—a typical consequence of a successful ad campaign.

If a client was looking for a faster connection, there were few options. Either they ordered the default plan, which included unlimited traffic and a 100 Mbps connection, and paid separately for additional bandwidth, or they could choose to pay for an expensive guaranteed 1 Gbps connection.

We’re happy to offer our clients another option that combines the best of both worlds: the price of the first option with the speed of the second. Read more

Selectel Career Day

On May 18th, we opened the doors of our Tsvetochnaya 2 data center for Selectel Career Day. Students were invited to see what exactly it means to work in a modern IT company and learn about the kinds of opportunities Selectel has to offer.

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Site Update

We’re happy to announce the launch of our updated site.

Selectel.com has been fully redesigned and restructured. We’ll talk about all of the changes in more detail below. Read more